ADMEI: ‘Practicing Post-Event Sustainability’

In the pursuit of hosting excellent events, Destination Management Companies (DMCs) want to create an environment that is good for all, from their clientele to the local community to the environment of the location itself. There is a growing emphasis on sustainability in event efforts, and many companies have focused on minimizing their environmental impact while an event takes place. This is important work, as environmental concerns grow and social perspective shifts to focus on eco-conscious efforts in our everyday lives. (souRce: ADMEI BLOG)

Why Sustainability Matters (Even After Your Event Ends)

Many people hold the view that the travel and event industries have a substantial impact on carbon emissions, waste generation, and the depletion of local resources. However, there are many practical steps DMCs can take to minimize this impact and create positive change. Minimizing excessive waste and integrating responsible practices into planning and execution can promote sustainability long after an event ends — and actions taken post-event can have long-lasting positive effects on the environment and surrounding communities.

4 Sustainable Post-Event Practices

Implementing practices that are good for the environment and the local community always begins with foresight. Sustainable event planning allows DMCs to impact their locale for good, even after events have ended.


1. Waste Management and Recycling

Waste is one of the largest hindrances to sustainable events, but change is possible. Implement comprehensive waste management strategies during and after the event to minimize landfill waste, partnering with local recycling facilities for proper disposal of recyclable materials.

Encourage event attendees to participate in waste reduction efforts through education and engagement. For example, on hot summer days, provide reusable water bottles for attendees to stay hydrated sustainably! Clearly designate places for waste and recycling, and make sure to pick up any trash littered about.

Whenever possible, choose products that can be reused from event to event. Purchase durable lanyards for attendees to leave behind after the event so that you can reuse them at future events, and rent items locally instead of purchasing them for yourself whenever possible. This has an added bonus of supporting the local economy!


2. Carbon Offsetting and Emissions Reduction

Travel and events can create a large carbon footprint, but there are steps DMCs can take to offset this impact on the environment. Take time to calculate an upcoming event’s carbon footprint, and identify areas for a reduced impact. To reduce carbon emissions from attendee travel, provide alternative transportation options and emphasize carpooling when possible.

By nature, events will have a larger carbon footprint than everyday life. To offset unavoidable impacts, consider building a carbon offsetting project into the cost of the event. By investing in reforestation and biodiversity, DMCs can contribute positively to the world around them.


3. Community Engagement and Legacy Projects

When planning events, consider adding activities that reach beyond the event itself. By partnering with local organizations to support community development projects in event-host cities, events can leave a long-lasting impact. Engage event attendees in volunteer activities or charitable initiatives that leave a positive legacy. In turn, this fosters ongoing relationships with local communities for sustained support and collaboration.


4. Building Sustainable Partnerships

DMCs can partner with local businesses to reuse items after an event. Donate floral arrangements or leftover food to nursing homes, churches, restaurants, or nonprofit organizations to reduce waste and provide enjoyment to the community! When DMCs regularly donate items after events, they build sustainable partnerships with local organizations, helping the community as a whole.

ADMEI’s 2024 “Best Sustainable Initiatives” Winner

The Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI) is proud to champion DMCs who endeavor to create sustainable events. Earlier this year, ADMEI member odsturkey won the 2024 ADMEI Award for  “Best Sustainable Initiatives” award for their Global Sustainable Tourism Conference 2023 in Antalya, Turkey. Their award entry stated:

“odsturkey, as the first and only Biosphere Sustainable Certified DMC in Turkey, proudly hosted the 2023 Global Sustainable Tourism Conference, uniting 300 experts in sustainable tourism. We passionately championed the SDGs by emphasizing SDG5 in selecting our team and suppliers, highlighting SDG11 through our PGI menu, utilizing energy-efficient electronics for SDG7, and practicing waste sorting in line with SDG12. Our event minimized paper use (SDG9), measured and offset carbon emissions (SDG13&SDG17), and promoted wildlife awareness at Perge Ancient City (SDG15). The event set a prime example as it showcased flawless integration of responsible tourism, aligning with Turkey’s sustainable tourism standards.”

Since 1994, ADMEI has served as the pre-eminent organization for DMCs worldwide. The organization’s mission is to uphold the highest level of professionalism, establishing standard business and ethical practices when it comes to event sustainability and many other initiatives. Through member and industry education, ADMEI shines a light on the value of Destination Management and allows clients to find accredited DMCs to partner with around the world. Find a DMC today to create more sustainable events in the years to come.

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Picture of Tijn Kramer