Mariska Kesteloo x MICE Benelux Event: ‘Storytelling, the role of influencers’

We are proud and happy to announce that Mariska Kesteloo will speak on the MICE Benelux Event on september 25th. Mariska, next to being our regular columnist, is one of the foremost influencers in the MICE-industry.

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Storytelling, the role of influencers

We work in a people’s business and we do business with people we like and trust.

You are looking for a new destination for your next incentive group you will reach out to your peers, your network, or you remember the destinations we visited.

For the younger generation this is more difficult and social media influencers play a huge role. We can use the power of influencers, ambassadors or industry experts in our advantage, but how?

‘Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today’

Mariska created her own process and tools together with her team, she has supported many companies and associations by spreading their story and maintaining the relationships with their customers by using industry experts. Clients like Singapore Convention Bureau, Vienna House hotels and Helsinki marketing, and many others are part of her portfolio.

Being at both sides of the table, as an industry expert and agency, she knows the insights of each party involved. Working with industry experts is a rewarding journey for all parties involved, and as a company you can get so much more out of a long term collaboration than you possibly thought.

It’s not about one Instagram post. It’s a long term strategic decision aligned with your mission and vision. And stories are the red line of the success of the collaboration.

Mariska will show you how you can create a long term collaboration with industry experts that will benefit all parties involved. Moreover, what you can get out of a professional collaboration with industry experts, by sharing case studies.

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Picture of Tijn Kramer